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New Kano categorisation & priorities (June 2024)

Standard Kano categorisation table

We've added the standard Kano model categorisation table to the survey analysis page.

When we launched Kano Surveys, we skipped this table and instead delivered our unique radar charts to show the distribution of responses between categories more visually, but sometimes actually the standard table is a very helpful thing to have.

So we've added it! It shows the raw count of responses within each category, for each feature. You can see it at the top of your survey analysis page.

Feature prioritisation

Kano model surveys are all about gathering user insight to prioritise where you invest your time and effort and money, and knowing which features to build next.

To help make your survey results more immediately actionable, we've added a new feature to the analysis page which shows what order you should build the features in order to maximise overall customer satisfaction.

  • It starts with the Must-have features. No surprises there.

  • Then the Delighter and Performance features are next, sequenced by their overall impact to customer satisfaction, based on the Coefficients analysis.

  • Next the Indifferent and Reverse features are shown that you should not build...

  • And lastly and Unknown features are shown so you can do further research on those to get a clearer signal.

See you next time.

(If you have any feedback or ideas for new features that we should add - get in touch!)